Limited Controls

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I have an Ubuntu release 0.4.5 :( and it seem that i do not have the controls that are listed. :cry: The issue that I wound like be revolved want to do is to reset the song editor not the arrangement. Bass editor and what is in it, needs to remain intacted. I need to redo the structure of the song. I need to start over with out starting over. Clicking on each tab to delete is a little much. ANY IDEAS? Well I have one version the song ;) it petty good, but then I went and added some new layers. :o :D Now its going to rock. :mrgreen:
Clicking on each tab to delete is a little much. ANY IDEAS?
See if i got this right, what you want is to delete blocks in the song-editor??
Unfourtunately there is only the (as you also say) tedious middle-mouse-click on every block. This should indeed be changed. -But
In case you need a 'hole' in your composistion, LMMS can a neat trick:
Place the playhead hwere you want the empty bars.
Press and hold shift.
Press 'Insert' on your keyboard once for each bar you need.
LMMS will move all blocks placed to the right of the playhead to a posistion one bar later on the timeline.
The opposite can be done with sh+delete. Here you move all blocks to the left -eg an ealier posistion the timeline -BUT !! You do NOT delete anything!
If you move blocks to the same posistion they will just stack on top. That can aid deleting with middle mouse a litle, but you still have to make one click for each block.