New song - Grip of Terra

Share and discuss your LMMS music projects here, and see what people think!
Hey all! It's been a long minute since I've been on here or made a song, for that matter. However, I got some time recently and turned out something new. Any and all criticism welcome as always. I will return feedback on your projects too! It may take a couple days as I work during the week but I will get to it, promise!

Here's the link:

Thank you all <3
StrawbearyJams wrote:
Wed Oct 03, 2018 12:53 am
Here's the link:
Hi! It's been a long time!

Sorry, I can not play the video for a html5 reason ... it often happens on Youtube, I think the pc I use to go on the internet is too old ...

(you do not you use SC anymore?)

(Thanks for your feedback on 0094_02-3 - Honey, I hope to publish a new version soon)
Sorry about that, didn't realize I had forgotten SC link =P
StrawbearyJams wrote:
Thu Oct 04, 2018 2:34 am
Sorry about that, didn't realize I had forgotten SC link =P
Nice one. There are good effects on the voice. However, in my cheap headphones, the voice does not find its place among the other instruments. Maybe the voice is missing a bit of volume. But I do not think it's just a matter of volume. Idk.
The Strawbeary is baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!! 8-)
Nice to see you back.

This track sounds really good.

Tip: It needs a bit more volume balancing, between the instruments and the vocals.
Because the instruments and sounds, seem to drown out the vocals a bit, in certain parts of the track.

But overall, this whole thing sounds really good dude. Super nice work. :D