Zynaddsubfx on kxstudio no instrument banks visible

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using lmms 1.0.96 on kxstudio 64b.
If i use click here to load a instrunment i get a empty list refresh list give bank names like bass 1&2 choir etc. The rest stay grey. showPADsynth status off or on nothing show.
Any ideas ?
ya.. its not 'our' bug. :p I Think this one is the same as in browse..
Its really weird, and it was kind of freak luck, that i found the reason/solution
In the bottom of the screen, you find a check-mark box for
'Show PADsynth Status'
toggle that on off
suddently all instruments are shown
The 'reason' is the zasfx update of 1.x

btw.. the x.9 'releases' are only for bughunts and tests
I am experiencing a similar issue.

I am running Ubuntu 14.04, and first of all installed LMMS from Ubuntu's software centre. This gave me 1.0.0. I could select banks and instruments/patches for Zyn.

Next, I added the KXStudio repos for Ubuntu, and updated/upgraded. This gave me 1.1.0-rc9, where I can select banks but don't see any patches. (Un)selecting the "Show PAD..." doesn't make any difference.

I uninstalled this version and re-installed the old 1.0.0, and things are working again. I would like to run the latest version though.
Same as oscillator untikking or not same problem.
That version come with kxstudio, so waiting for a update.
musikbear wrote:In the bottom of the screen, you find a check-mark box for
'Show PADsynth Status'
toggle that on off
Well, as musikBear says it is the new Zyn version. You don't have to wait for any update, this won't be improved by LMMS. You can always browse these effects from the Sidebar instead.
-but dosent the 'toggeling' fix the issue? -toggle bring back all instruments in all banks for me ?
No, the "Show PAD..." box doesn't fix anything for me. What OS are you running on, musikbear?

Sti-Jay: Thanks!
Prove that LMMS is not acting the same on all OS,s,prove that its important to always state your OS.
Be-OK wrote:Prove that LMMS is not acting the same on all OS,s,prove that its important to always state your OS.
Shall I prove it, or did you mean "proof"?