A controller for individual note volumes

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Had to split a synth track last night into two tracks (I did it manually since I couldn't figure out another way to do it and it took forever) so I could control the volume of the left hand chords since they were louder than the right hand melody and overtook everything.

Maybe some kind of volume panel where if you click a note it goes to that panel and you can adjust how loud it will be.

LMMS is built with Python coding right?
No programs where speed is crucial is built with Python, LMMS is built with C++.

You are suggesting an interesting thing. Instead of having to click on each of those notes, though, couldn't LMMS recognize the notes from the melody? I don't play the piano myself, but keyboards let you both play chords with one sound and a melody with another sound, so if they can do it, can't LMMS do it somehow?
Ah C++ makes sense :)

Yeah something like chord recognition or a feature that's intuitive enough to see that it's a set of chords and selects those chords together.

I have an actual keyboard and I found a synth tone that nearly matched what I was working on. Tho this keyboard I have I can't control the volumes of one side to the other the left hand chords weren't really loud but the right hand melody you could hear it well without the chords over-powering it.

Or even just layering individual controllers on top of one another would work too because I thought that's what it would have ;) I've only had this program for two days so it's been an experience.