Valkyrie Falling (instrumental music video)

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whomsoever ye may be
Woah, creepy stuff you got there but I really like the metallic aesthetics of that spaceship scene.
Clark Johannes wrote:
Sun Jun 05, 2022 1:39 pm
Woah, creepy stuff you got there but I really like the metallic aesthetics of that spaceship scene.
It's not creepy , it's about that supersonic airplane project I believe ?
, that ended in tragedy . So I guess it's tragic or dramatic but not creepy .
That's the coolest thing I've seen all week. Strangely incapsulating and a pretty cool combination of music and storytelling through animation. And some great work in Blender as well. I remember "Smoking at the Gates of Hellheim" from you, which I also found fascinating. I think you take working ryhtmically to the extreme instead of focussing on traditional melodic structures. Which is an interesting but also unusual listening experience. But at the same time, I'm always surprised at the emotional journey it gives me.

And yeah, Open-Source is great and more power to people being able to make amazing art thanks to it.