Hardcore kicks in LMMS

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Hello there! I am looking for tips, tricks, tutorials to create my own hardcore kicks in LMMS. I usually use ZynAddSubFX. I prefer sticking to native plugins. I know how to do a simple hardcore kick (old school gabber type), which basically consists of applying saturation, or some specific compression parameters on a sampled kick. Now I'm looking to create more modern kicks, with more advanced techniques. I understand that, ideally, you don't just use a sample, but design the kick in the project, at least in part, to have control over several key parameters to vary considerably the harmonics, the resonance frequency of the saturation, etc. (For example with a bandpass filter before a saturator/compressor). Well, excuse me if the technical terms used are inaccurate: I don't know much about music/mixing theory.

What do you think? Any kind of advice, link, whatever is welcome. Thank you in advance for your contributions.
revat6 wrote:
Thu Sep 07, 2023 12:12 pm
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I am looking for tips, tricks, tutorials to create my own hardcore kicks in LMMS. I usually use ZynAddSubFX. I prefer sticking to native plugins. I know how to do a simple hardcore kick (old school gabber type), which basically consists of applying saturation, or some specific compression parameters on a sampled kick. Now I'm looking to create more modern kicks, with more advanced techniques. I understand that, ideally, you don't just use a sample, but design the kick in the project, at least in part, to have control over several key parameters to vary considerably the harmonics, the resonance frequency of the saturation, etc. (For example with a bandpass filter before a saturator/compressor). Well, excuse me if the technical terms used are inaccurate: I don't know much about music/mixing theory.

What do you think? Any kind of advice, link, whatever is welcome. Thank you in advance for your contributions.
I have made 808 tutorials, not sure if you can twist it to a HC kick, but it should get you started
