About oversampling when exporting a song

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Interpolation setting has no effect at all when no oversampling.
Oversampling in the context of exporting a song typically refers to a technique used in digital audio production to enhance the audio quality and reduce potential artifacts that may arise during the conversion and rendering process. It is not to be confused with oversampling used in audio effects or processing plugins, which involves increasing the sample rate for certain algorithms.

When you export a digital audio file, such as a WAV or MP3, from a digital audio workstation (DAW) or audio editing software, the software uses a process called "resampling" to convert the audio data from its internal processing sample rate to the target sample rate specified in the export settings.

Oversampling involves setting the export sample rate higher than the internal processing sample rate used in the project. For example, if your project is using a sample rate of 44.1 kHz, you could choose to export the final mix at 88.2 kHz or even higher, like 96 kHz. By doing this, the software has to create additional data points for each second of audio, which can improve the accuracy of the conversion and potentially result in higher audio quality.

Here are some potential benefits of oversampling during export:
  • 1
Reduction of aliasing: Oversampling can help reduce or eliminate the presence of aliasing artifacts, which are unwanted high-frequency artifacts that can occur during resampling when the frequencies above the Nyquist limit (half of the original sample rate) are not properly handled.
  • 2
Improved interpolation: With more data points per second, the software can better approximate the original waveform during resampling, resulting in smoother audio and reducing potential interpolation errors.
  • 3
Higher fidelity: The higher sample rate in the exported file can help retain more of the original audio information, resulting in a potentially higher-fidelity sound.

However, it's essential to be aware that oversampling during export will increase the file size because more data points are added to the audio file. Additionally, some people may argue that the perceived difference in audio quality between oversampled and regular exported files is subtle and might not be worth the increased file size.

When deciding whether to oversample during export, consider the following factors:

]The capabilities of your target audience's playback devices and systems: Not all audio playback devices and platforms support high sample rates, so it's essential to check what sample rates are widely supported.

Storage and bandwidth considerations: Higher sample rates will result in larger file sizes, which might be impractical for certain distribution methods, especially for streaming platforms.

Your personal preference: Ultimately, the decision to oversample or not may come down to personal preference and the specific requirements of your project.

Remember that while oversampling during export can be beneficial in some situations, it's just one aspect of the entire audio production and distribution process. The overall quality of your song will depend on various factors, including the original recording quality, mixing, and mastering processes.

That was a nice wikipedia article, but it doesn't change the fact that LMMS is not a conventional daw, and it literally just renders the project at a higher sample rate and then converts it down.