Everything is working about loading LMMS files except that the audio ok the track won’t play. I checked every volume setting I could check and they were all turned up to an adequate level. I tested the system audio thoroughly to make sure my laptop was playing audio and it is (it’s only LMMS where the audio won’t play). The meter on the FX-Mixer is still going up, and the CPU thing still makes waves. Honestly, everything about LMMS is the same except that it won’t make sound. Does anyone else have this problem, and how can I fix it ?
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Looks like you may have resonance related sound-module crash.
That can happen if you have a FX-plugin that creates a serious artefact, or a soundfile with extreme wave-shape.
I want you to
* Restart your pc
* if you have auto-reload last project then move or rename the project you have this issue with, then it wont load
* open lmms-Since auto-load is blocked, you should see the default template
* Open default 3OSC and play a note
Does it make sound?
If it does, then you now know that one of the tracks in that other project has a reso-flaw.
You find it by
* Disable auto-reload last project if invoked
* Open the problem-project
* Insert a default 3OSC and set that default track as SOLO
* Save project
* close lmms
* Reboot and open lmms
* open the soloed problem projet, test that you can play a note on the soloed track
* Invoke one other track, if it plays invoke one more, and continue this until the sound disapear. Mute that track save reboot and reload lmms.
Now you need to examine the FX and presettings on the track. RESO and compressor FX is most susceptible to these kind of issues
If everything fails, i need to see the project
Let us know the outcome :)