Beat/Bassline extension

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When you click on an empty Beat/Bassline track, it automatically makes a section of b/b the same size as the set b/b, but you can resize it to the right and make it longer or shorter.
Why not to the left?
This would be great, because I want to add just the last part of a beat to part of my song, but I can't resize the left half of the beat, so I have to make a custom b/b track just to do that.
Click in the middle to drag left/right, click on the right to resize the right half... doesn't it make sense that if you click and drag on the left half, it should do that, too? What's stopping you?
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E-Sandy wrote:
Tue Jan 02, 2024 7:10 pm
When you click on an empty Beat/Bassline track, it automatically makes a section of b/b the same size as the set b/b, but you can resize it to the right and make it longer or shorter.
Why not to the left?
This would be great, because I want to add just the last part of a beat to part of my song, but I can't resize the left half of the beat, so I have to make a custom b/b track just to do that.
Click in the middle to drag left/right, click on the right to resize the right half... doesn't it make sense that if you click and drag on the left half, it should do that, too? What's stopping you?
For that you need to make a new beat and insert that infront of the orr. beat, or you can simply
* Right-click on any of the tiles in your beat
* Select: Open-in-piano-roll
Now LMMS opens the Pattern in a std. Pianoroll window, and you can rearange everything as you like.
Obs that in piano-roll you are responsible for the 'fitting' of the hits inside the chosen signature!
You will also not be able to revert to tiles again, so do save the project as a version before you start fiddling with patterns in piano-roll