Chord strumming for guitarists

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A very important feature for guitar players is the strumming feature.
The guitar player starts the strum BEFORE the bar, and ends with the last note of the strum right on the first beat of a bar or measure.
So there must be a negative offset of the chord depending on the speed of the song, and the number of notes in the chord, for a real 6 string guitar this would be 6, for a ukelele 4 etc.
I think this is very hard to program.
Yet i hope the maintainers of the program will implement this feature somewhere in the future.

A big thanks to the programmers for the work that has already been done.
germona wrote:
Tue Jan 07, 2025 7:16 am
A very important feature for guitar players is the strumming feature.
The guitar player starts the strum BEFORE the bar, and ends with the last note of the strum right on the first beat of a bar or measure.
So there must be a negative offset of the chord depending on the speed of the song, and the number of notes in the chord, for a real 6 string guitar this would be 6, for a ukelele 4 etc.
I think this is very hard to program.
Yet i hope the maintainers of the program will implement this feature somewhere in the future.

A big thanks to the programmers for the work that has already been done.
At the moment Strumming as feature has been postponed. I made a crude version based on Q-minimal of 1/192, but that was rejected by a majority, and from what you write here, properly for the better.. A real solid strum-feature should be designed by a real string-instrument player.
As for now the only option is to make strumming by hand, but i wonder if some 'reuse' of one strum-chord couldent be possible.
Could you make a demo project with a short sequence of some hand-build strumming chords?
I would like to see how it would be designed by a real guitar-player.
Hello Musicbear i have made an error in my comment, de notes of the strum do not always have to end on the FIRST beat of a bar, but can end on any beat, BUT must start before the beat and end on ANY beat in between a bar.

Apparently i can not add midi files or .mp3 file here.

I have bought this midi file, high quality, and can send it to you if you can give me your email address.
Best to use a good soundfont, i use the JJazzLab soundfont.

Below a link to a live performance of this song in a greek theater.

Let me know if you need more information.

germona wrote:
Fri Jan 10, 2025 3:35 pm
Hello Musicbear i have made an error in my comment, de notes of the strum do not always have to end on the FIRST beat of a bar, but can end on any beat, BUT must start before the beat and end on ANY beat in between a bar.

Apparently i can not add midi files or .mp3 file here.

I have bought this midi file, high quality, and can send it to you if you can give me your email address.
Best to use a good soundfont, i use the JJazzLab soundfont.

Below a link to a live performance of this song in a greek theater.

Let me know if you need more information.

germona wrote:
Fri Jan 10, 2025 3:35 pm
Hello Musicbear i have made an error in my comment, de notes of the strum do not always have to end on the FIRST beat of a bar, but can end on any beat, BUT must start before the beat and end on ANY beat in between a bar.

Apparently i can not add midi files or .mp3 file here.

I have bought this midi file, high quality, and can send it to you if you can give me your email address.
Best to use a good soundfont, i use the JJazzLab soundfont.

Below a link to a live performance of this song in a greek theater.

Let me know if you need more information.

-Yes we cant add files in this forum :(
Just like i do here use a file-service and insert link.

We are talking about the strum he plays after 32 secd, right?
I do not need a sample, because what we should look into is how you as a guitar-player would build that in LMMS, especially where the strum-hit should start in the segment and where it should end. Of cause a preset with a good guitar is also needed, but lets focus on the MIDI notes and their positions, and the distance between each of the notes in such a strum.
My idea is to make a kind of 'strum-library-project, because LMMS can import segments from other projects, meaning that if the most typical strum-types or perhaps better expressed: strum-timings -if that is a thing -Could be made in a library-project, it would be possible to fetch the type of strum you would like to reuse in a new project. That way it would not be necessary to remake a strum that is often used. I understand that the start of a strum is before the 1. beat of the bar with the strum -Is that correct?
We can do that in a DAW. The only thing we need is to use the loop to set the project-start instead of using bar 0
just like here:
Is that what you want?
I have put the strum pattern (lmms file) on that same file server, like i said best use a steelguitar soundfont patch.
I know you can do all this in a DAW but the challenge is to do it in LMMS.
I don't understand the thing with the library files. Do you have a video of that on youtube? Or could you make a video on that, it sounds promising.
In order to make the strum on bar 1, you have to add an empty bar, or some sort of count-in bar, so the strum can be played on the end of bar 1, so the music starts at bar 2.

Please let me know if you need more information.

germona wrote:
Sun Jan 12, 2025 10:17 am
Nice progression. You can take it down if you like.
So i am looking at your strummed chords, and i wonder id the distance between each note is by rule or is it just 'random?
If we look at one chord:
Image is the difference between the blue yellow and red measure-box something that is by rule and something you have painstakely made exactly like in the image, or are those distanced just with artistic randomness ?
I am almost bure they are with artistic freedom, because they are played humanized on guitar :p.

But what are the rules for witch note that should be used as bass-note.
In this case it is g#, eg the 3. one octave lower -But in other chords the bass-note is the 2. of the chord.
Is that a strum-chord rule?
Hello MusiKBear

Like i said i have bought this high quality midi file from a greek midi creator.
You can download some free midi files from his site to confirm that these midi file are of a high quality.

For me as a guitar player it is impossible to make a real live strum like that in the previous example.
We just 'feel' the tempo and then strum the strings up or down so we land with the thinnest string on a beat of a bar or measure.

In other words the time (distance) between the notes are exactly the same, when played by a real live player.

What is a thing, is that we can choose to strum just the bottom 4 strings, or all 6 strings.
The place where the strum starts is different in that case, so the place where the strum starts must be calculated with the number of notes.

I have uploaded another midi strum track

It uses two types of strum, in one bar, so 4 strums. 2 * +/- 1/4 note strums 2 * +/- 1/8 note strums.
This could be a real live situation.

It is made with a program called MMA Musical Midi Accompaniment.
It is completely written in Python, but has no GUI.
You just use the grooves (or styles) that are included, or you can alter the grooves as you wish.
Then you create a simple text file with a tempo and some chords and the program generates a midi file from that.

I think you as a programmer can do a lot of good stuff with that.

But that is off topic, lets concentrate on trying to make it work in LMMS.

On your question, what are the rules for which note is used as a base note, that is not so easy.

As you may know a guitar player (or piano player) can play the same chord on different positions on the neck of the guitar (or on the keyboard), and because of that the order and pitch of the same notes change.
This is called chord inversions.
Generally speaking, there can be max 4 inversions of a chord on a guitar, maybe a few more on a piano.

If you need more information let me know, and please explain how lmms handles library files, also on a linux computer if possible.

this is cool 8-)
germona wrote:
Mon Jan 13, 2025 8:04 am
(distance) between the notes are exactly the same, when played by a real live player.
Ok! that is not the case in the file, but doable.
strum just the bottom 4 strings, or all 6 strings.

I have uploaded another midi strum track
It uses two types of strum, in one bar, so 4 strums. 2 * +/- 1/4 note strums 2 * +/- 1/8 note strums.
This could be a real live situation.
Complicates things a little
rules for which note is used as a base note, that is not so easy.
called chord inversions.
Inversions are easy to make in LMMS

please explain how lmms handles library files, also on a linux computer if possible.
There are no special file-type, i just called the container for the strum-templates 'library'.
So what are these templates?
Sets of strummed chords in Major Minor Dim and Aug in the numerals that is possible in each of these 4 base-scales. They could either be inside a different mmp-project and kept open aside with the project or they could be placed in a strum-template in several muted tracks where the individual chords could be cherry-picked as needed. The second option has the benefit that it is possible to drag a candidate chord into the composition, and do a 'test'. I like that thought.
The templates only need to be available in one scale, because all scales can be made out of one scale
The file you bought is in g#min, so that could be the template-scale, but any scale could be chosen.
Hello MusicBear,

Did you make some progress on the strum thing?

Here are some thoughts on the matter that you probably already know.

miditicks : integer // 768 in a bar?
so a strum of 20 would represent approximate 5/192 of a bar

Strum : integer; //interval between the notes in midi ticks
Delay : integer; //number of miditicks a chord needs to be pushed back on the timeline
NoteCount : integer; //number of notes in a chord

NoteCount := // procedure to count the number of notes in a chord.

A plain C chord has 3 notes
A plain C7 chord has 4 notes
A C7b9 chord has 5 notes


if Strum 20 then the order of notes is from low to high // Down strum
if Strum -20 then the order of notes is from high to low // Up strum

Delay = (NoteCount * Strum) * -1 // number of miditicks and then made negative

So in case of strum 20 or strum -20

C chord the delay must be -60
C7 chord the delay must be -80
C7b9 chord the delay must be -100

Hope this helps.

Have a nice day.