VST in lmms from KXStudio not working

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Ubuntu 15.04. Enabled KXStudio ppa and repos; installed lmms, wine and lmms-vst-full, which got me the Vestige option in instruments back. But loading any of the plug-ins (which worked in previous versions and are on the tested vst list) only gets me to a "please wait" pop-up. From then on I can only kill lmms from the terminal, as nothing works any more. Tried all kinds of things recommended on other forums -zilch change. No output when loading lmms from the terminal (initially, there was some Jack stuff missing, but this is fixed, and was seemingly unrelated).
Does vst with lmms from the KXStudio repos work for anyone on 15.04? Is there a trick or is this simply a broken package and I can stop trying? Is there any ppa with a working version of lmms with vst that works in vivid?
I am having the very same problem. I was ready to master my project after weeks of work. Now I can not even open it. I hope there is a solution. I have tried many without success.
15.04 + vst is very, very, very broken. It's not an lmms thing, it's something in the distro.

I re-installed 14.04.2 , which is also giving me troubles, but thats another thing.
I am on openSUSE, and don't know much about Ubuntu.

If possible you could try to install a different wine version. ( a newer or even older version )
Vst problems have 9 times out of 10 to do with wine.

Or compile lmms yourself.

Another thing to try, start lmms from a console, and see if you get any errors, about missing stuff.
In a console just type lmms, and see what happens.
Lemme see, Kali, Gentoo, Puppy..

nope, not much Ubuntu EXP either. Do as Gps says and try compiling it. :U
Thanks! As per original post: I did start lmms from the console - no output there. I did not use lmms from the repos, but rather from KXStudio, which is what lmms hq recommends to get vst working. What I am trying to figure here is whether the KXStudio compilation is faulty - in which case compiling my own may be the way forward, or whether others have more luck with it, in which case my Wine version (I did try several with no change) may be the issue. Any pointers in this regard, please?
Did you try running vst in festige / carla / reaper ?
No, I did not, not using any of these, and typically try to keep non-standard repo software to a minimum as it tends to mess with updates. Could you explain what insights were to be gained from running vst in other software? The instruments worked fine in previous lmms versions. Let's say they I got vst to run with Carla - what would that tell me about lmms or wine?
Vst uses wine. If a vst runs in carla/festige then wine is ok ...
ubus wrote:Thanks! As per original post: I did start lmms from the console - no output there.
This does not make sense to me, I do of course believe you.

The only thing I can think off, ask for help on kxstudio forums.
