instruments plugins

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chiplonkar wrote:
Sat Jul 01, 2023 5:54 pm
expecting to work was ability to drag and drop sample rhythm strings from library of SwarPlug to LMMS.
I doubt that will be possible at all. LMMS only support drag-and-drop from LMMS sidebar, so d&d from a plugin where the format of the file is unsupported, that wont work. The only chance would be that these rhythmic-files are MIDI-files with notes, and that you can find these files inside a folder, then you should be able to import the rhythmic pattern as a midi-file, but thats a longshot
Ok MusikBear,

Your reply gave me a good clue. I found out that SwarGroove plugin has an option to export the samples as MIDI or save as WAV. I tried to export a sample file as MIDI and file automatically got extension as *.mid.
In LMMS, I could IMPORT this file and play it in the song editor ! The process needs only a few extra mouse clicks, but the effect is as good as Drag & Drop !

Thanks a lot !!!
Dear MusikBear,

Now, I have come upto a stage of connecting a "MIDI to USB cable" from my YAMAHA synthesizer ( PSRe303 ) to Windows 7 desktop. I find that playing a key on the synthesizer, keeps playing the note for a very long time. Many a times it is stuck and I have press stop button in the song editor of LMMS. Adjusting A, D, S, R ( attack,delay,sustain, release) has no visible effect. With such a situation, it is not suitable for trying out any recording. PC configuration is Windows 7, 32 bit, 2 GB RAM, 49 GB free space in CL drive.

What are possible reasons ?
chiplonkar wrote:
Tue Jul 04, 2023 6:03 am
key on the synthesizer, keeps playing the note for a very long time.
What are possible reasons ?
That could be your latency setting in Settings| General| Buffer
-But i am not best suited to give advice around MIDI-HW, because i do not have any :)