Detail Automation of controller rack

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I do realize that if you raise it to 100x you can be more precise with high speed, but that also cuts off the much needed slow speed.
If you just keep it 1x normal, than it makes precise high speed hard to attain...and so on. Also, it is hard to calculate the speed in relation to tempo. I hope it can be made to be waves per beat instead of a vague number. thanks!
Right click the speed knob, select "tempo sync".

You can also manually enter the exact value for any knob by double-clicking it.
hmm...I should have known that! Thanks a lot! :D
Mind boggling what LMMS can do :o you can even automate the meter.
Defntly doing some exprmnting
one more thing...the meter CAN put speed into sync with tempo. HOWEVER...when I open a project, the controllers and speed and all the automated knobs are already moving-before the song even begins! So when I play the song, the wobble, or whatever, is thrown off beat. It starts on an offbeat and ends on an off beat, so it sounds diffrnt evry time i play the song. It's not necessarily bad sounding, but sometimes it is. Is there a certain function I'm missing? :?
All LFO controllers should be synced to the beginning of phase at the start of playback. They are at least for me. What version of LMMS are you using? Try updating to 0.4.15.
yep, I have 0.4.15. the knobs are oscillating before I press play on the song. immediately after i open my projekt
Just for clarity, 0.4.15 is the last release
I have been informed, as of late, that v. LMMS+ 1.2.0 is about to be released
so maybe you have a newer version of mine
theguitarplayer wrote:yep, I have 0.4.15. the knobs are oscillating before I press play on the song. immediately after i open my projekt
Just for clarity, 0.4.15 is the last release
I have been informed, as of late, that v. LMMS+ 1.2.0 is about to be released
so maybe you have a newer version of mine
Yes, the knobs oscillate before you press play, that is to enable you to play the instruments live even when the song is not playing and hear how the LFO:s affect the instruments. But when you press play, the knobs should always jump to the phase 0 position - what that position is depends on the base, amount and phase settings of the LFO controller.

You should see it clearly if you set the LFO on very slow, like to 8 beats, then look at the knobs when you press play - they should always jump to the same position. If they don't, it's some weird bug, because they do on my LMMS. Which is 0.4.15.

I don't know what LMMS+ is, tried to search for it but only thing I could find was an incomplete wikia page... but I do know that the 0.4.16 version of LMMS will be released during the winter/spring.
Sorry, my mistake you're right. my problem I kept playing a part over and over without stopping and going back to beginning so it was throwing the phase off. Thanks for you're help!