LMMS 1.0.2 Unbuntu installation

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How do I install LMMS 1.0.2 on Ubuntu? I already garbed the file provided on the website I just cant install it because it uses cmake? I'm not sure how to install it i'm a complete newbie on Ubuntu.
The Ubuntu situation currently is... hairy.

Normally, you'd install packages in the package manager (ie. software center on ubuntu) but currently, the package in the Ubuntu 14.04 repositories is broken and contains a buggy, non-functional version of LMMS. We're still waiting for the Ubuntu maintainers to correct this error...

If you want to compile from source code, you can start here: https://github.com/LMMS/lmms/wiki/Compiling-lmms

An easier option is using the KXstudio repositories: http://kxstudio.sourceforge.net/Repositories And then using the package manager to install LMMS.
Do you know any OS (besides windows) that would install LMMS with no problem? Or more straight forward for a average user?
Well, there's AV Linux, which is optimized for audio work and comes with all sorts of other audio software.

http://www.remastersys.com/forums/index ... pic=3329.0

I haven't tried it myself though so I've no idea how hard/easy it is to install for the inexperienced.

Your best bet is probably still using the KXStudio repositories, which is a lot less work than installing a new OS...
Looks like ill be diving into the world of the unknown. Thanks!