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Might try my hand at some Liquid D&B here... lets see where it goes.
Jacoby Davis wrote:
Mon May 22, 2017 7:28 am ... pt-session

Might try my hand at some Liquid D&B here... lets see where it goes.
Cool. And nice vocals and nice effect on the voice. :)
I would have suggested, that the vocals should have been clearer, so I could understand what the singer was singing about, but the way it was done in this track, strangely suits the track well.
So don't change it, unless you want to.
But overall, nice work. :D
brandystarbrite wrote:
Tue May 23, 2017 3:18 am
Jacoby Davis wrote:
Mon May 22, 2017 7:28 am ... pt-session

Might try my hand at some Liquid D&B here... lets see where it goes.
Cool. And nice vocals and nice effect on the voice. :)
I would have suggested, that the vocals should have been clearer, so I could understand what the singer was singing about, but the way it was done in this track, strangely suits the track well.
So don't change it, unless you want to.
But overall, nice work. :D
Definitely not done, still a WIP, but it may or may not be a remix I'm working on of a BOL song.