Dark Timing - Ambient

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About your track, this might interest you:

It is often said that it is better to keep the low frequencies in mono.
As your track is highly reverberated, you can try something like this:

Example with the piano:

- I started from the principle that the reverb was directly integrated into the instrument (rather than in the mixing table).

- Clone the Piano (the clone will serve for testing, and will allow you to compare with the original).

- Assign the Piano clone to a channel of the mixer.

- Send the Piano clone channel signal to two other channels (e.g. Piano-Mid et Piano-Side).

- In Piano-Mid channel, add :
1) C*Narrower with : strength = closet to 1 (to make mono)
2) Glame Lowpass Filter with : cutoff frequency=~120 (this is just an example of value) and stages=~3 (a fairly steep slope)

- In Piano-Side channel, add :
1) C*Narrower with : strength=~0 (closer to 0 than 1 to remain stereo)
2) Glame Highpass Filter with : cutoff frequency=~120 (the same value as for the Lowpass) and stages=~3 (a fairly steep slope)
3) and if your Piano is panned, add an Amplifier and set the PAN knob to the desired value. In this case, it is better to to returning the instrument PAN to 0.

Well, this recipe should probably be adapted depending on how you handle your effects.
But I have the impression that this keeps the bottom of the spectrum clean enough.