Heart beating wrong

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Hey everyone it's qantuum again ready to rumble.

I have got two versions of the same song.

First some trivia : so I was having trouble sleeping because of heart beating too fast due to anxiety attack. So I decided to pull out a song which has the same rythm as a normal sane heart beating at rest. Better to do something with the hands instead of searching a sleep state never coming.

Once the beat ready, I wanted to pull on some arpeggios, and some sort of white noise, all tempered around with a pan automation. So yeah I got the stuff and shared to the LMMS user's group on Facebook. And one person told me to remove the arpeggio and that it was confusing and not fitting. Bad news for me, because this is my second big failure at using arpeggio correctly... But I'll try again, this feature is quite unique.

So then I decided to offer the two versions here; just to figure out which one is best to keep and promote ^^
Thanks !

https://soundcloud.com/marvin-shmn/hear ... t-arpeggio
One problem, the second link is broken.
So, I'm listening the one with arpeggio.


I feel anguished listening to the track (maybe I took too much coffee, or that what you wrote influences me, I do not know).

Concerning the arpeggio, I hear no problem.

Make another track, it will pass :)
I think the arpeggio stands in contrast to the kick sounds and in that sense it's not fitting. However, it adds to the unsettling, dissonant, desynchronised feeling I think you're going for with this track. So I'd say keep it.

Still, I'd be curious to hear the version without the arpeggio.
Link broken ?

Odd, it worked perfectly fine for me.
Maybe it's because I put the song on "private" and not "public". Well this parameter is now changed and also I "corrected" the link in original post (for whatever it may change).

I am actually glad that you felt anguished, and something unsetling, dissonant and disynchronised, because that's exactly how it feels while during a panick attack, the heart seems to get crazy.

I hope you can access the link without arpeggios, for this second trial I raised a bit the tempo and changed the instrument to the lead melody, making it sound a bit different.

thanks a lot for your comments!
qantuum wrote:
Sun Aug 13, 2017 8:34 am

I am actually glad that you felt anguished, and something unsetling, dissonant and disynchronised, because that's exactly how it feels while during a panick attack, the heart seems to get crazy.
Yeah, that's what I thought. Must be a really tough experience. :(
So, having listened to the other version and knowing what the track is supposed to be about, I feel like the arpeggios help with that feeling. So I still think they should stay.
But the version without the arpeggios is better mixed. So if you're planning on making changes to the other one, my suggestion would be in regards to that. :)
qantuum wrote:
Sun Aug 13, 2017 8:34 am
I am actually glad that you felt anguished, and something unsetling, dissonant and disynchronised, because that's exactly how it feels while during a panick attack, the heart seems to get crazy.
:lol: Indeed, if the effect is wanted, it is successful.

It is difficult to compare the effect of the presence / absence of arpeggio, as the two versions are mixed differently.

In my cheap headphones, the version without arpeggio sizzles.

Both versions are interesting. The anxiogenic effect seems to me much more pronounced in the version with arpeggios.

:idea: an idea: present the version with arpeggio followed by the version without arpeggio (in whole or not?) to appease the anguish at the end ( :evil: if you care about your listeners :evil: ) :lol:
Heart beating wrong - Quite an unusual, yet lovely sounding tune, you made here.
And it has an unusual coolness to it too.
I guess that the melodies, playing all over the place was deliberate.
Okay, after reading your comment above, I guess I was right. Ha! Ha! :D

Heart Beating Wrong (without Arpeggio) - This version sounds nice too.
And everything plays in sync with each other. Very good.

Both sound nice to me, but the arpeggios in the first version, somehow adds to the tune.
But I like the second version too, even though the arpeggios are not in it.

Better mixed... Yes you are right. I changed a bit my instruments and volumes here and there.


Thanks ^^
Hmmm... I never seem to remaster my frankenstein monsters but why not make the trial you offer. Positive thing is that the song would be extended.


Cool if the with arpeggio was lovely to you ^^ this guy on Facebook told me it was too unfitting to be nice, that's why I was a bit worried to have done wrong. Indeed my musical theory knowledge is close to zero anyways, so technically speaking I don't even know what I am doing :P

Conclusion. Here both versions seem appreciated, so I will just keep them both as different pieces.

Instead of remastering this song, I may try to create another one with exactly the same set of instruments and percs, this seems like a good challenge.

I noticed how the musics in movie soundtracks keep the same instruments and melodies going, I think it is a good thing to add consistency to a record.

Thanks again for your impressions !
I'll keep you posted :)