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Only recognizes the 1st preset in any loaded fxb bank

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 2:26 pm
by sizemore0409
I'm trying out the well-known softsynth "Charlatan", for which there are many available preset banks, including the presets that come with the initial download of the vst. Other than the very 1st instrument in any bank of presets, LMMS won't load and play any other instrument in any of the fxb banks. (I have hundreds of vsts, and I've never run across this issue before.) Windows XP LMMS 1.0.0 Any ideas to help me out? thanks

Re: Only recognizes the 1st preset in any loaded fxb bank

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 2:50 pm
by caLRo
I tried both 2.0 and 1.4.1 and both wouldn't load presets/banks. Charlatan does not have its own preset/bank management, so it's completely dependent on its host software.

Win 8.1 64 Bit, LMMS 1.1.3

Re: Only recognizes the 1st preset in any loaded fxb bank

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 4:51 pm
by musikbear
doubt it will solve the charlatan issue, but
Windows XP LMMS 1.0.0 Any ideas to help me out? thanks
You should definitely upgrade to 1.1.3
much more stable, and with more features

Re: Only recognizes the 1st preset in any loaded fxb bank

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 7:07 pm
by sizemore0409
Yes, it's the same in the new version.

What could be the problem? Charlatan is quite a popular softsynth.

Re: Only recognizes the 1st preset in any loaded fxb bank

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 10:00 pm
by Gps
I got sound out of the 32bit version on Linux (openSUSE 64bit) through wine, ( version 2)
There is only one preset.

It wont work right on win 8, nor on xp nor on wine, I start to wonder if that synth is working right.

Maybe using synth1 instead is an solution ?

Re: Only recognizes the 1st preset in any loaded fxb bank

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 12:56 am
by sizemore0409
No, it's the KVR One-Synth Challenge for July, participated in by people from around the world. Nobody else is having any problem with Charlatan, and they use all different DAWs. I think I'm the only participant whose DAW-of-choice is LMMS.

Re: Only recognizes the 1st preset in any loaded fxb bank

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 2:01 pm
by Gps
That sucks, then the problem might be with vestige.

One thing I still want to try myself, is using Carla as a vst plugin host. I could not get it working in lmms on opensuse though.

Maybe you have more luck on windows ?

Re: Only recognizes the 1st preset in any loaded fxb bank

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 4:11 pm
by sizemore0409
Thanks, I may try Carla.

But I'm usually the only person representing LMMS in these monthly challenges. I like to show what LMMS can do with these softsynths; and though I've never won the challenge, the other competitors and all the listeners and judges are always very favorably impressed by my entries.

This month, however, I can't get Charlatan to work in LMMS. It won't recognize presets which other people have programmed; and it doesn't seem to recognize Charlatan's controls sufficiently for me to program my own patches.

I would love to represent LMMS again this month; so if anybody can figure out how to make LMMS or Vestige (wherever this issue resides) fully recognize the Charlatan softsynth and its controls and patches, i would greatly appreciate it and i think it would be good for the LMMS community.