Modulation and pitchband headache

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This question has to do, with those wheel on midi keyboards.

How to do what the modulation wheel does, in LMMS ?

The pitchbend is easy to do, just drag the pith knob into an automation track.

Synth1 seems to have those wheels, but I cant get that to work yet. I have not given up yet, but first need to try to fix a midi keyboard that has those wheels.

Can we do this modulation with the build-in LMMS synths?
Do you mean the thing which comes on Right click knob > Connect to Controller > User controller?
Thank you but,

A lot of synthesizers / midi keyboards have two wheels on the left side, next to the piano keys.

One is pitch bend one is modulation. ( I saw them on synth1 one two, I think synth one calls them midi wheels)

How to do that modulation like in the vid I posted, with the LMMS build in synths.

The synthesizer in the vid has a joystick though instead of those two wheels.

The DX7 as another example, to the left those two wheels. ... HA_DX7.jpg

Mini moog, to the left those two wheels. ... nimoog.JPG :)
That's not a joystick, that's a wheel. Or actually, what's the difference between a joystick and a wheel? I'm not sure...
I still feel like it should be MIDI Controller or User Controller, but I don't have a MIDI keyboard, and MIDI keyboard users are hard to find on the forum- in fact, users are hard to find on this forum.
The docs say,
So, moving mod wheel should automatically connect it or something similar.
Gps wrote:
Wed Feb 09, 2022 7:43 pm
This question has to do, with those wheel on midi keyboards.

How to do what the modulation wheel does, in LMMS ?

The pitchbend is easy to do, just drag the pith knob into an automation track.

Synth1 seems to have those wheels, but I cant get that to work yet. I have not given up yet, but first need to try to fix a midi keyboard that has those wheels.

Can we do this modulation with the build-in LMMS synths?
You need to find the dial in the LMMS-dial-array, then automate that LMMS-dial!
The real problem is the X-Y-pads. You need to make 2 automations, and they depend on each other... I wonder if automation capture in two track simultaneous wont be the best option, provided you can find dials for both the X and the Y coordinate.
Well the midi controller I will try to fix, has two wheels.

I do have one working midi controller, but hat one has plus minus knobs. (no wheels)
That should work too but is for me complicating things even further.

What I am also trying to figure out, is how to do this modulation without a midi controller, with the build in LMMS synths.

But maybe that is just not possible?
What are you trying to modulate, exactly?
Because I'm having trouble understand what you want to do.
Try: creating an automation pattern, right click, click "Set/clear record," and start playing while modifying the control you want to modulate. This is real-time automation. Note: if you stop playing, then clear record before playing from start or everything will become the final value as you play.
I have watched a video of musicbear, about recording automation.
I am gonna try this if I can get that one midi controller working.

(replace the usb B connection, soldered on a circuit-board of this controller.)

The other problem comes down to basically the same question you ask me. What do I want to modulate?

I have no idea, but I want to do with the build in LMMS synths (if possible) the same thing, people do by moving that modulation wheel on a midi controller.

That is one part of my quest :P What does this midi wheel do? What gets modulated?

Maybe I need a synth forum, or maybe somebody on the Linux musicians forum might know?
Let me copy paste the answer from Linux musicians:
The short answer is that it depends on the synth or virtual instrument that you're using.

The mod wheel controls midi CC#1, which is just labeled "modulation" and can do any number of things.

One example is in the "performance" version of Virtual Playing Orchestra, the mod wheel controls instrument dynamics, including crossfading between different timbres instead of just changing the volume of the same sound samples.

Other virtual instruments may respond to the mod wheel with a completely different effect, like a vibrato or changing the shape of an oscillator waveform or whatever. Additionally, you may be able to customize it to control whatever you want in a more elaborate synth like Yoshimi.
So what that modulation wheel does, depends on the synthesizer or the synthesizer plugin (vst) your using.

(Yoshimi is a software audio synthesizer, originally forked from ZynAddSubFX, I have no idea if this fork works with LMMS)