Interesting idea.
I do remember at school during music lessons, been put behind a Xylophone.
I just started to hit the wooden bars, and impressed the entire class.
After class the entire class was asking me how I did this, I did not have a clue, I just did something.
I do remember the teacher saying something, but I cant remember what he said.
Looking back I think he said something about me playing a rhythm, not a melody.
Or maybe that I was not in any scale.
Because of LMMS I learned I do have a very good sense for rhythm, but when I uploaded my first track, people asked if I was tone deaf. Musikbear thought me how to fix this, with mark current scale.
These days when I cover something I can hear if I am in tune or not.
Ones did the bassline of Jam on It. I had the note spacing perfect, but the LMMS forum helped me to get the right notes.
Never give up, never surrender.