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Thinking of giving up at this point

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2023 1:50 pm
by nusya
It's been 7 years of practice and I just haven't improved at all for the last 6 years. My brain just can't understand it. I've tried different genres, I suck at all of them. I'm too embarrassed to share even a single track. It's just not fun anymore. Producing music feels like beating my head against a wall. My brain just can't process it. I'm good at playing other music on piano so I'm not giving up entirely on music but I'm giving up on composing and producing, I just don't have the brain for it. I'm willing to hear if anyone has last advice for me but I've tried everything imaginable. It looks like I've achieved my ceiling and potential and it's not very high, making music is just not fun for me

Re: Thinking of giving up at this point

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2023 7:58 pm
by HenryDeath

It sounds sad but clearly if you don’t have any pleasure doing it you’d better stop. This is a good thing if you play piano. And do not forget, stopping to compose music today doesn’t imply you’ll never start again.

I started doing music, mostly with LMMS, about 15 years ago. For a hobby, I have a job and never expected having a career in music. I had stopped making music for a while, but started again a couple of years ago. Until recently, I was doing it following my feelings, my instinct, I was probably thinking that if I have any talent it would just show itself. But a year ago, I told myself: there are plenty of tutorials on YouTube, it would not arm to watch a few, just to see. I watch one, then two… after the third one I had to admit that once again I have been the victim of my rather pretentious personality. I hated myself for how I could have been so dumb thinking that watching tutorial and read shits would have no use, no interest. I discovered tons of things on music production, there were only a very few that I figured myself alone, but for all the others I was just doing it wrong. I could have avoid so much mistakes, and done so much more if I started to learn earlier.

But well, can’t change the past. Now I watch some tutorials or artist interviews regularly. Even if some of the tutorials are wrong, or about a genre a don’t like, or a plugin I won’t use (I forbid myself the use of VSTs, for reasons I won’t explain there), there is still one interesting thing to learn.

I don’t know if you’ve done that yourself, but if not, do it. I’ll put some links of the youtubers I find interesting.
I've tried different genres, I suck at all of them. I'm too embarrassed to share even a single track.
I’m a big fan of techno music, I did a lot of free parties, I listen many other genres but techno, especially "tribe" techno was the genre I wanted to produce, "minimal" too. I wanted to reproduce kind of the same sound, because this was the music I appreciated. I quickly discovered it requires a lot more than just wish it. Also, I have a taste for experimentation, so I was not using my time only in the goal to produce the specific genre I was aiming to, but also a lot to experiment, or to do what I later discovered was call "sound design".

It results I’m producing tracks that I think many people would not even consider being musical, or a very crappy music at best. And this is true, I never found anybody doing the kind of music I produce. But do you know what: While this is definitively not what I consider my favorite music, I like it though, I listen my tracks sometime.
But I too was too embarrassed to share anything. I didn’t want to make people have pity of me… hard to explain…

This is total bullshit ! Don’t be embarrassed, there is nothing as bad music, there is only music some people like to listen to or don’t. There is no obligation to stick to a genre of any kind. You can have your own genre, this is not a fucking problem. Just look at what was music concrète or punk rock or whatever in the beginning. It was considered stupid and dumb, but some people start to find it interesting. And maybe my music or yours are dumb and will never have a single one other people appreciating it, it does not care at all.

I’ll always keep in mind what a great french artist said (I’m french), the greatest nowadays imo : KingJu from the band Stupéflip : “I’m doing the music I wan’t to listen to”. And may sound trivial or silly, but I think it says it all.

I was coming here to share my last audio crime because I stopped being embarrassed, life’s to short, then I read your message. I hope it could be of some use to you. So here’s the links. Sorry if it’s obvious and you already know those guys. he’s working with Abelton. While there are thing you can’t do in LMMS, like freezing track or whatever, most of his advice is still valid if you use LMMS

And another link I just want to put there, not a proper tutorial but a very talented artist I discovered only recently, who use the particular technique of the “loop station”, Marc Rebillet,

One of my favorite track of Stupeflip,
He did a few track in English but most of them are in french, sorry ^^

And… the most important! The thread I created to share my masterpieces here ^^ , where you can find the link to listen my last hit: “Bassoon scam” : viewtopic.php?p=82770 and so much more. ;)

And yes, if any case you wonder. I’d like to listen what you do. What are you afraid of? That I’ll tell you I think it’s shit? Well, that’s already what you think of your track, so what’s the matter? (but seriously share it or not, no problem for me whatever is your choice).


Re: Thinking of giving up at this point

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2023 10:06 pm
by Gps
Never give up never surrender. :)

I feel I am hitting a ceiling too, but just like HenryDeath says, I am watching a lot of vids.

Dont care what daw they use, and sometimes its a waist of time.

But I also learn a lot. How to mix a track, why to pan instruments.

You should never be afraid to upload your track. That is the only way forward, all though it can be hard to get good feedback.

When I uploaded / released my first track people asked if I was tone def.

That did not stop me, and yes I am annoyed on how slow I progress, but refuse to give up.
I do sometimes take a break.

I admitted a track of mine to the best of LMMS.
It did not even make it though the preliminary round.

Now I am figuring out, on why people think its repetitive, and how to improve.

Because of feedback, I already have some ideas.

Re: Thinking of giving up at this point

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2023 5:26 am
by HenryDeath
why to pan instruments.
I’d say, or to not pan them! ^^

Before I listened to some trivial advice and explanation of some real musicians, about what to pan and what not to pan, I was panning all my instruments randomly, putting half of them on one side and the other on the other side, just keeping the volume equal on both sides. Don’t ask why, but it appeared as a good idea to me, it was my idea to begin with! ^^ I was doing it on every tracks.

That’s the kind of idiocy you may do without noticing that it is a problem, but struggling to make some things sounds right because of this, just not knowing it’s because of that.

Re: Thinking of giving up at this point

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2023 3:26 pm
by Gps
Lol and yes, when I started making noise, I did what I always did before when recording music to a cassette tape.
Make sure left and right channel are equally loud. Oops.

Then you wonder why your mix is so muddy. :lol:

Now I imagine standing in front of a band playing.
So the kick and or bass drum are in the middle. The guitar players and the keyboard player are panned.

I also listen to pro mixed music (hits), and listen how those instruments are panned.

I only recently started to cut frequencies, to make room for other instruments.

Baby steps forward. :)

I also asked for help on the Linux musicians forum.
I asked why my track was called repetitive, while there is House (oldschool) music, which is very repetitive.

Then you start to notice how House distracts you from its repetitive. Often with vocal samples, and small transitions between parts.

I mean nobody in his right mind will call this not repetitive. ... =YazaHouse

Then this one, a lot of minor changes.
Fading stuff in and out, and notice how panned that bass part is.
Its basically the same loop over and over, but there are small changes / added sounds to create a build up.

Then there is the drop, and the use of high pass and or low pass filters. ... aiAllStars

I still struggle to have my tracks sound really good.

When I get depressed, I think of how I started, and all the stuff I have learned already. ( scales ? what are scales )
Then I also think of one person who told me, welcome to your never ending journey in music.

Re: Thinking of giving up at this point

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2023 3:45 am
by HenryDeath
Yeah, nice piece.

This track, from Kölsh : is kind of a reference for me : no verse/chorus shit, just loops looping :) Plus I like how is quite kind of “out of key” at some moments.