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Please add a license filtering to LMMS Sharing Platform

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2024 2:57 am
by Ricky Gai

I am finding very difficult to locate the right types of licenses from the LMMS Sharing Platform, I have to manually click on each preset for licenses that suit my application.

Suggest to put a an search parameter to filter types of licenses for the presets respectively, this will make the music creation process easier to prevent wrong use of .xpf to the project.

For example, the Unity assets store had strict rules not to publish any license with attribution, the Creative Commons (by) is very commonly used by .xpf creators, is very difficult for me to find the proper license to meet the requirement by the store provider.

Let's say I want to search for license types such as MIT, CC0 from the LMMS Sharing Platform, without filtering option is very difficult to search in this case.

Thank you.