Irregular tuning between samples and plugins?

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Apologies in advance if this is covered elsewhere in the forum-

I've noticed a difference in tuning between a sample and a plugin. I've been using LMMS as a resource for music teaching, and was recreating the groove to "Fancy" by Iggy Azalea. Using bass01ogg I needed to shift base tuning to "C" for it to play notes entered correctly (so the notes entered sound at concert, whereas entering notes in the plugin "Mallets" leaving base tuning at "A" was fine. In other words, for C5 to be at the same pitch, the two instruments need to be tuned differently.

Am I missing something or is this a bug? I would have presumed that samples and plugins, at least those that are packaged with the software, would play the same notes at the same pitch when their base note is identical.

Hope someone can explain!
Skinfreak45 wrote:Hope someone can explain!
Hi Skinfreak45 Welcome to the forum!
Here are some links that i use to present to new users:

The reason that the sample has to be tuned different is that it matters how it has been recorded, whereas the 'real' instruments all has been precisely build to tuning in default A.
This is especially important if you create samples for yourself, some times they even have to be fine-tuned off by x cent, if they are to harmonize with default instruments
I made a tutorial on samples as instruments, years back:
Back then LMMS not only looked different, it was also so much more primitive :) Lots has happen since then. :)
It great to learn that LMMS is being used in schools!
Ahh-ha! As I suspected! Thanks for confirming my suspicions.