New Synth sound tutorials by BrandyStar 2018

Write guides and how-tos about LMMS for other members.
169 posts
Tutorial 29

Flute sound ( good for making melodies, or using it as a pad sound )

Okay guys. Today we're going to use Bit Invader, to make a lovely Flute sound.
Lets go!

1) First off, drag in the Bit Invader plugin.
It looks like this.


2) Do you see this graph? Well, that's a a cool sine wave in the graph. Leave it as it is.

Tips for newbies: Sine waves are used to make nice flute type sounds and instruments.
And believe it or not, you can also use them, to make a cool synthesized female vocal singer/choir sound(s) too.


3) Okay, now we head over to the ENV LFO section of the plugin.
Just press on the word, ENV LFO and it'll take you to this part shown, in the pic above.

Make sure the word VOLUME, is selected too. Since, it's the VOLUME options, we want to play with.


4) Do you see the white shape, in the graph, that looks like a fancy letter "N", with 5 white dots connecting it?
Well that thing, is the graph, for the DEL, ATT, HOLD, DECAY, SUSTAIN, RELEASE options
that helps make out sound, sound short, long etc. :D
Turning those dials, affect the shape of the N shape. And control, how the sound would sound.

Press on the "N" shape and it'll turn green.
Green, means it is on.
White, means it is off.

Now press, or press hold, the E or R or T or Y key on your PC keyboard.
Or if you're using a midi keyboard, press, or press hold the E4 or F4 or G4 or A4 key.

You'll notice, that it sounds okay, but it doesn't sound like a nice Flute sound yet. :P

5) So to make our sound, sound like a nice Flute, we shall turn the ATT dial. 8-)
ATT, stands for attack.
By turning this dial, it'll feather our sound and make it sound airy like a lovely flute. :)

Now lets turn the ATT dial.
ATT = 115..........or if you want 144.
96 is a nice number, if you want to use it as a melody.

And that's it guys. :)

Now again, lets press, or press hold, the E or R or T or Y key on your PC keyboard.
Or if you're using midi keyboard, press, or press hold the E4 or F4 or G4 or A4 key.

If you followed the instructions correctly, Taa daa, you'll hear a Lovely Flute sound. :)
Good for making Zelda type forest music, or music for hero games.
It's also good for nice, relaxing music too. :)


PS: Don't forget to check the Table of Contents on page 1, for the list of all of my synth sound tutorials. :)
See you at my next tut dudes. :D
Tutorial 30
(Game sound effects tut)

Helicopter sound

Okay guys. Sorry for the long delay in tuts. Here's a new one for game creators.

This week, I bring to you another cool super short tut, to start off this week. :)
Today, we make a Helicopter sound sound, using the nescaline again.
But it could be used for non 8 bit games too. Ha! Ha! :D

So here we go. :D

1) First off, we bring in our fav Lmms' plugin nescaline.



2) We only want CH 4 on, just like in the pic below.


3) Now lets go to the CH 4's Freq dial.
It's this one on the right side of the VOL dial.

Now lets turn it to......

Freq = 4 or 5


4) Now lets head over to the LEN and SWP dials.
We want both of these dials turned to zero.

LEN = 0
SWP = 0


5) Now look for the ENV,... Infinite and Q buttons.

We only want the ENV and Infinite buttons on.
Red, means they are on.
Black, means they are off.

So turn both the ENV and Infinite buttons on.
And leave the Q option off.
Just like in the pic below.


6) Now press and hold, any PC keyboard key, or any key on your piano keyboard.
It sounds like a helicopter is coming.

Use it in your games and have tons of fun. :D
Or as Arnold would say,........"GET TO THE COPTER!!" 8-)


More tuts coming soon.
Don't forget to check the first page, for the Table of Contents. :)
Tutorial 31

Brandy's Kick drum (boom bassy style) 8-)

Today, we make a nice boom bassy sounding Kick drum sound.
Using a cool Lmms plugin, called Kicker.

So here we go dudes. 8-)

1) Drag in the Kicker plugin into Lmms. :D
This is what it looks like.

You'll notice it has a nice Football pic, at the bottom of the plugins gui.


2) Okay, lets head to this part of the plugin.
You'll see the dials called Gain, Length, Env. Slope.

Length = 957

Env. Slope = 0.212


3) Okay, now lets head to this part.

Freq Slope = 0.163

Now, do you see a dial called click?

Click = turn it to 0 (because we don't want any clicking sound, in our kick sound)


Now press any of the C3 or C2 keys, on your midi keyboard.

On your PC keyboard:
Press the V key
Press the B key
Or any key, within the C2 to C3 range.

Press away and enjoy the kick drum sounds. :D
I'll be posting some more tuts soon. :)
Especially more synth sound tuts, using Synth 1.
So look out for them. :D
Also, don't forget to check page 1, for the table of contents. :D
"You'll notice it has a nice Football pic, at the bottom of the plugins gui."

Yeah, in some cases the Kicker sounds like a kick in a plastic balloon!
D.Ipsum wrote:
Fri May 19, 2017 6:10 am
"You'll notice it has a nice Football pic, at the bottom of the plugins gui."

Yeah, in some cases the Kicker sounds like a kick in a plastic balloon!
Lol! Yep. :D
Okay guys. More tuts will be posted soon.
So feel free, to look out for them. Yay! :)
Tutorial 32

Inside of a Scary Cartoony Ufo with Alien Tech type sound (Synth 1 version)

Okay guys, today we make that same UFO sound again, but this time, we use Synth 1.
Yep. Synth 1 is capable of making these type of special effect sounds too.
But the trick to making this sound, is to use the LFO options in Synth 1. :geek:

So drag in Synth 1 into Lmms and here we go dudes. :D

1) Okay, first off, we open Synth 1 by dragging it, into Lmms and then, we select a default
Synth 1 soundbank.

And like in all of the other synth 1 tuts, we take off and turn off, both LFO's etc.
In other words the numbers 1 and 2 and Tempo and Key button
must all be off, or not lit up, like in the pic shown.


2) Now lets head to Osc1.
Lets choice the Ramp wave.


3) Now, we only want to use Osc 1.
So lets head over to the mix dial, and turn it full left.

Turning it full left, will let us use Osc 1 only.


4) Lets head to the Amplifier Section
Look for the dial called A. That's the Attack dial. So we are going to turn it.

A = 35


5) Now lets go to the Filter section.
Look for the Frq dial and the Sat dial.

Frq = 81

Sat = 44

Then, go here, and select LP12


6) Now for the fun part.
Lets go to the LFO section.

Do you see the square button called 1.
Press it, to turn it on.
If it glows yellow means it is On.
Pressing that square button, lets us use the LFO 1 abilities.


7) Okay, do you see the words osc1,2?

By default, it is already on. (Red in colour) like in the pic above.
If it's not on, press the circle to the Left of of the words, osc1,2 to turn it on


8 ) Now, the trick to making the Ufo Ghostie wobble sound, are two dials.
spd and amt. If you play around with these two important dials, you can
create all sorts of cool special FX.

spd = 58

amt = 17

And that's that dudes.


Press and hold the T key, or any other key, of your choice.
And you'll hear the cool UFO ghostie wobbly sound, that we made with
sfxr and nescaline, a few weeks ago.

I hope you guys had fun. Stay tuned for more tuts. :)
Hello, everyone.
I'm new to this forum and new to synthesizing sounds for music making :)

Now, i see that people just post requests and that Brandy delivers (i hope i understood well how this works), and this is one of my favourite 80's styled songs. I'd like you to try to recreate the bass, the brassy pads from the beginning and the lead (not the guitar one).
cunjozu wrote:
Wed Jun 28, 2017 11:07 pm
Hello, everyone.
I'm new to this forum and new to synthesizing sounds for music making :)

Now, i see that people just post requests and that Brandy delivers (i hope i understood well how this works), and this is one of my favourite 80's styled songs. I'd like you to try to recreate the bass, the brassy pads from the beginning and the lead (not the guitar one).
Hello and welcome cunjozu.
I have been super duper busy, with alot of other things, so that is why, I didn't respond sooner.
So sorry about that.

Yep. Some people do leave synth sound requests, so you're close on that there. :)
But, these days, I have been super duper busy, with alot of other things, so that is why, I haven't
posted anymore tuts, or taken anymore requests yet.

I'll check out the 80's track, in a few days, listen to it, and try and see, if I can replicate those
sounds. No promises, because sometimes, these sounds are not always easy to make, or replicate.

PS: Don't forget, to check out the Table of contents, on the first page.
169 posts