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Hey guys!
I made an electro house track. It his one of the most complex tracks I have ever made. But it isn't as loud as commercial tracks - any amplifying tips? When I turn the volume up so it is as loud as commercial ones then there appears clipping.

Feedback appreciated!
That sounds AWESOME :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
I didn't hear any volume issues. I would say though, that the drop gets a little too busy once you bring the syncopated electro bass in. At that point, I'd take out the string melody, but leave in the hits and squelches. But again. AWESOME
God bless and good day
Thanks for the feedback, sir!
This sounds very Orchestronically cool. 8-)
I must admit, it doesn't sound that low in volume.
Nice work, making this complex sounding music track dude. 8-)

Orchestronically cool?
Yep. I made a new phrase out of your songs title there. Lol! 8-)
brandystarbrite wrote:This sounds very Orchestronically cool. 8-)
I must admit, it doesn't sound that low in volume.
Nice work, making this complex sounding music track dude. 8-)

Orchestronically cool?
Yep. I made a new phrase out of your songs title there. Lol! 8-)
Thanks brandy!


Brandy, you phrase maker :D
Ofcause(?) you have everything routed to own mixer-channels, and you have your Master not clipping.
What about the individual instruments, does anyone clip?
With such a complicated soundscape, it is dead easy to get a 'soup' effect.
Lots of almost equal frequencies that are competing for the speakers ability to play a clean sound, and that is the art of mixing.
What you could do is to widen your stereo-image, and push equel sounding frequencies in different areas in the soundscape, that way they will stand more on their own -They have a 'spot' for themself

..Loudness ...Psst, i do believe that pro's get a little better 'deal' .. uhmm 8|.. But i also believe there was more than one shooter.. so..
musikbear wrote:Ofcause(?) you have everything routed to own mixer-channels, and you have your Master not clipping.
What about the individual instruments, does anyone clip?
With such a complicated soundscape, it is dead easy to get a 'soup' effect.
Lots of almost equal frequencies that are competing for the speakers ability to play a clean sound, and that is the art of mixing.
What you could do is to widen your stereo-image, and push equel sounding frequencies in different areas in the soundscape, that way they will stand more on their own -They have a 'spot' for themself

..Loudness ...Psst, i do believe that pro's get a little better 'deal' .. uhmm 8|.. But i also believe there was more than one shooter.. so..
Uhh, I forgot panning the instruments...Is that what you mean?
Yep, "stereo image" refers to panning, which is super helpful for mixing. Compression can also sometimes help to make things louder without clipping.
I usually pann my beat and instruments, but I forgot. Yes, I used a compressor. A cousin told me, I should cut off all frequencies under 30 hz.
Wow that's different, I like it :)

Great job.