PC vs Mac

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PC or Mac (or Linux)

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PC vs Mac. Who wins?
My opinion is PC. It has a wide variety of computer types (aka laggy, fast, work, gaming, 64-bit, 32-bit, etc)
Fuck them both. Linux master race.
umcaruje wrote:F@#k them both. Linux master race.
Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Lol! :lol:
My pc is dual boot Linux and Windows. ( openSUSE and Win 7 pro. )

I only boot windows for certain games, which don't have a Linux version,
Latest example Alien isolation. Great scary game :)

Games are the only reason there is windows on my pc, so Who will win, now steam has come to Linux? :P

Faster zombies:

Windows 7 Service Pack 1 64-bit
Left 4 Dead 2
Ubuntu 12.04 32-bit
This experience lead to the question: why does an OpenGL version of our game run faster than Direct3D on Windows 7?

When Microsoft and Apple fight, Linux intervenes. But in the end cross-platform wins.
Linux for all (LMDE 2 (based on Debian stable)).
Windows for games and only programs like for electronic design, which are not run under Linux.
Linux and Mac won't allow me to adjust my HDMI volume, so f*** all of them. :)
Linux and Mac won't allow me to adjust my HDMI volume, so f*** all of them. :)

But all in all.
This is a difficult question for me to answer.
Mac is better for graphics software.
Windows is better for alot of things.
And Linux is great too.

Hard choice. O_O
I would go with PC, since alot of software are made available for it.
The same goes for games and game emulators too. 8-)

But believe it or not, I was never a fan of Windows! Lol!! :mrgreen:
I have NEVER in my life seen Linux win out both PC and mac(sorry, mac, no votes...) combined... You guys are awesome!!! lolz. But in all seriousness, I think every OS has it's place. Windows for gamers, and business(and music to a lesser extent), Mac for graphics and media work, and Linux for scientific uses and supercomputing(by far the best! lolz).
I'm 100% Linux, I only use wine when needed, and usually the app used has a Linux replacement shortly down the road.
Linux is highly configurable to do just what you want it to do. Unlike Windows whereas your stuck with what you have. If you try some to do of the stuff on Windows, that I do with Linux you would damage the OS.
Besides Linux is fun to use.