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Re: Our introduction thread

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2024 5:41 pm
by hellfire330
Hi everyone! I'm hellfire, an aspiring chip/dubstep creator. About 12 years ago I wrote several songs in LSDj on my GameBoy but then stopped due to a lack of creativity and motivation. I'm finally ready to start again and so far I love LMMS. It's simple yet powerful. I can't thank the dev team enough for creating such an amazing piece of software and sharing it for free.

Hopefully I'll produce something new worth sharing some day soon. Glad to be here!

Re: Our introduction thread

Posted: Wed May 08, 2024 3:56 pm
by jimmyjohan
Hello LMMS Forums,

My music handle is Jimmy Johan, and I have some experience with music production. I've played piano since fourth grade and percussion in school bands. My go-to category the past few years has been chiptune covers of exiting songs. For that, I use beepbox

I have also used LMMS in the past for some projects where the chiptune feel was truly inappropriate, so I am not a complete noob. But for this next project, LMMS will be required for sure. I noticed someone posted their intro in the projects channel, and was told to post here, so this is that. I'll post about the project there. I hope this forum can be a tool for me to level up my skills for this next project, and a way to connect with others doing similar things.

My music is on Bandcamp:

And I have a Youtube channel where the music also chills with videos. However, I have a lot of other stuff there besides music. That one is:

Thank you for your time!