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All Content      Projects      House      Another day with the sun.mmpz

by Helho (HELHO)
Size: 61 KB
License: Creative Commons (by)
LMMS Version: 1.2.0-rc5
Submitted: 2018-08-01 10:02:08
Updated: 2018-08-02 19:58:42
Popularity:  469   4
Rating:    16
Name: Another day with the sun.mmpz  Download

Hi! this is a tropical song for your holidays!
Enjoy ^_^


I'm out of words! We need more people like you making great music on LMMS! Sounds top class. Wuuut I just heard that WAOH in the end. Great! I wish I could give you more stars. Well, I guess I'm easily impressed by cheap chords... But it was great song, no question. Add a singer and you have a radio hit. Posted by: NiftySardine  on 2018-08-03 19:14:34
It's so good! @NiftySardine you are not alone who liked this :) Posted by: rasi_rana  on 2018-08-04 10:54:42
Thank you so much^_^ I really appreciate your comments. They help me to progress. And it's always a pleasure to receive such comments . Posted by: HELHO  on 2018-08-05 12:11:58
great... i learn a lot from it... Posted by: noobs  on 2018-09-03 16:39:47