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All Content      Projects      Drum'n'Bass      trolltrack.mmpz

by snerk
Size: 7 KB
License: Creative Commons (by)
LMMS Version: 1.2.1
Submitted: 2021-02-05 13:57:52
Updated: 2021-02-05 13:57:52
Popularity:  414   1
Rating:    0
Name: trolltrack.mmpz  Download

I have no idea what I'm doing in life. This is the musical manifestation of this. Everyone needs a shitty song to proclaim to the heavens, shaking their bare fist upward toward god, that no matter what talent level we're at, we'll maintain our strange affinity for creating music that sounds good to our own ears. Early in the process, we often fool ourselves into thinking we're musical geniuses, when the reality is that we've only covered a small portion of what's possible. in this way, this file is not a terminal product.
Discovery has to begin somewhere. When I discovered you can automate the course de-tuning on 3xOsc, the first thing I wanted to do was recreate the THX sound. Of course, the actual THX sound has more depth. I could always sample it, but I'd rather back into it by messing with knobs. It's these little touchstones that guide the creative process toward something more fulfilling.
For now, the work we put satisfies the needs of the small community we have here. Given this platform's massive potential to reach every computer in the world, I think it's time to start pushing it on social media. LMMS is well enough developed to be shipped on every XBox, Playstation, Streaming platform, PC, mac, ZX Spectrum, and PET (the latter two might require a little reworking, and would make for a very interesting project.)
Get out the word to your pro friends, because LMMS is coming for them. It won't happen in our generation. We should make a point to install this program on every school computer, and see where the music takes us in the next generation.

- What's wrong with that guy? - He likes knobs. Posted by: NiftySardine  on 2021-02-10 17:57:28