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All Content      Projects      Funk      funk45.mmpz

by Alfred (alf42red)
Size: 51 KB
License: Creative Commons (by-sa)
LMMS Version: 0.4.7
Submitted: 2010-09-20 22:17:57
Updated: 2010-09-20 22:17:57
Popularity:  1373   3
Rating:    12
Name: funk45.mmpz  Download

My old technique was:
c7/F7 + pentatonic minor scale = music.

This is also used in funk45, but shifted to a7/D7, because with "A" you have more white keys in the pentatonic minor scale. (I realized this when looking at skiessi's projects. Thank you skiessi. ^^)

Some passages of funk45 are a little boring. My excuse: These passages serve the purpose of preparing the impact of the following passage.
This argumentation could also be used for projects.
"Boring projects are meant to be boring to emphasize the effect of the following projects."
Finally the excuse is void because nobody wants to have boring projects, qed.
So far for the dialectics of music and boredom theory. xD

Have fun with this new piece of music.
Do you think it's too fast? Does it sound "entirely wrong"?
This can be fixed: it's got a CC-by-sa lincense. ^^

SWEEEET - I'm still grov'n while typ'n this out. Thank you for this! I love the sound mix, the funk and jazz beats and great synth. Personally I would love more horn/brass, but that's me. Awesome job with LMMS! Posted by: thomasso  on 2010-11-06 22:47:27
SWEEEET - I'm still grov'n while typ'n this out. Thank you for this! I love the sound mix, the funk and jazz beats and great synth. Personally I would love more horn/brass, but that's me. Awesome job with LMMS! Posted by: thomasso  on 2010-11-06 22:48:09
Thanks Tom! As for the horns: do you know how to make ZASFX sound alike? The bass works for me but horns and guitar-like sounds are difficult to synthesize. Posted by: alf42red  on 2010-11-09 21:24:45