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All Content      Projects      Misc      Latin Lesson in A Minor.mmpz

by Richard Carter (Rumi)
Size: 32 KB
License: Creative Commons (by)
LMMS Version: 1.1.3
Submitted: 2017-06-04 20:47:21
Updated: 2017-06-04 20:47:21
Popularity:  486   1
Rating:    3
Name: Latin Lesson in A Minor.mmpz  Download

I've been working with LMMS for about a month, and this is one of four completed projects. I would certainly appreciate feedback, hints or tips, etc.

Squatro: Thanks VERY much, this is just the type of information I need! I'll give these suggestions a try............. Rumi Posted by: Rumi  on 2017-06-06 13:59:37