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All Content      Projects      House      Frustration.mmpz

by Someone else (Fyrebreak)
Size: 66 KB
License: Creative Commons (by)
LMMS Version: 1.2.0-rc3
Submitted: 2017-12-01 04:10:13
Updated: 2017-12-04 04:15:16
Popularity:  557   0
Rating:    3
Name: Frustration.mmpz  Download

Foundations EP is out now! Your feedback would be much appreciated.

(Included is the project file for the drumstep track 'Frustration' and some useful Zyn presets. Enjoy!)


In case embed fails, Soundcloud Link for the EP: https://soundcloud.com/fyrebreak/sets/foundations
I'm using these for my next projects, have a look: https://beatproduction.net/dubstep-drum-kit/


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