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All Content      Projects      Ambient      underbed retravaillé.mmpz

by sasfd (vlita)
Size: 56 KB
License: Creative Commons (by)
LMMS Version: 1.1.3
Submitted: 2021-03-06 20:36:12
Updated: 2021-03-06 20:36:12
Popularity:  292   2
Rating:    2
Name: underbed retravaillé.mmpz  Download

full pack (>100 claps) - http://failonex.ru/file/90a6b6

This was definitely unique, but I don't mean that in a bad way. When I was listening to this song I was really waiting for the song to pick up, but it seemed to just stay the same throughout. A bit too monotone for my liking, but then again, I'm just one person. Posted by: Dr.Kre  on 2021-03-08 18:28:47
Thank you for your comment Kray! It's my song, I don't know why it was reposted here :). This is my first compo, and I need advice to learn. All the tips are good to take! Thank you Posted by: Maria  on 2021-03-12 14:22:00