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All Content      UI themes      Dark      Onyx.tar.gz

by Joe Zhan (joezhan)
Size: 120 KB
License: Creative Commons (by)
Submitted: 2022-04-19 08:18:59
Updated: 2022-07-05 17:06:56
Popularity:  1198   2
Rating:    0
Name: Onyx.tar.gz  Download

Hi, everyone,

the people likes dark themes.

Me too.

I made a new dark theme, with more modern lines (but not so much), and soft so that users can work on their projects with less visual fatigue, and to give a more current face to LMMS.

Hope you like it,



thats good but personally I would like the background more darker Posted by: Mariano  on 2022-05-23 02:20:36
@mariano, Thank you for your comment. I'm understand it. But take careful your eyes. very dark themes have contrast problems, in all apps, and cause fatigue. Do not down much and do not up much in spectre of colors. I'm using now a a theme more dark. It's my personal theme. while I work out some technical details to share it, look at my Cobalt theme. Posted by: joezhan  on 2022-05-28 05:02:30