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All Content      Projects      Misc      Lion Thunder Center.mmpz

by idiot (anishbl)
Size: 17 KB
License: Creative Commons (by-sa)
LMMS Version: 1.2.2
Submitted: 2022-05-19 12:51:07
Updated: 2022-05-31 12:39:40
Popularity:  254   1
Rating:    1
Name: Lion Thunder Center.mmpz  Download

Guess why the name is so.
Good luck guessing why the name is so. It perhaps might involve twisted translations. Maybe. And the knowledge of, uhm, may I say, an obscure musical system. And some stupidity on my part, maybe. Only maybe.
I have used VSTs, sparingly, for some pretty peripheral effects, but do check the project notes for the audio file with all the effects.
Has some microtonal elements, and a scale shift somewhere towards the end.
Longest music I've made, by length. Relatively short, by time taken.
I like to think that this is the most musical (?) piece I've made, without copying some other work, but I honestly can't tell.
Do not expect any clarity whatsoever in terms of just what I've done.
Roar. Bleat.

https://youtu.be/AGeYVd0pNS4 is how it sounds, for people looking for a demo. Posted by: Monospace  on 2022-07-16 07:50:43