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All Content      UI themes      Light      Platinum.tar.gz

by Joe Zhan (joezhan)
Size: 415 KB
License: Creative Commons (by)
Submitted: 2023-03-15 02:51:13
Updated: 2023-03-15 13:25:05
Popularity:  1147   3
Rating:    3
Name: Platinum.tar.gz  Download

Platinum - theme for LMMS

Do you like light themes? Want to experiment with lighter shades for awhile?

I'm making Platinum available, a theme made by me with great care and attention.

I wanted a light theme to use LMMS without tiring my eyes as quickly as the ones I've used.

I did some reading on colors and contrasts to get it to a level that doesn't detract from visibility, is comfortable to wear, and still feels like I'm using a bright theme.

Many people like bright themes but get tired eyes very quickly.

I use this theme for more than 8 hours a day without feeling tired in my eyes and without feeling dry eyes. Just the natural fatigue of using a brightly lit screen.

However, I cannot predict how your experience will be. Screens have different characteristics and people's eyes have even more differences.

If, when using the Platinum theme, you experience discomfort, please stop using it. Of course, a darker theme like the default theme or Grafite theme (https://lmms.io/lsp?action=show&file=20065) will suit your eyes better.

Platinum theme is available as-is, with no updates, no warranties or support.

But I accept suggestions for improvements.

See you later, LMMSers



Great theme! If I may ask, what do you use to modify the style.css to make the theme? I want to make one for 1.3.0 development build from github. Thank you in advance and thank you for this great theme! Posted by: Mastartiq  on 2023-03-15 14:12:15
Thanks for the review, I'm glad you liked it. I use VSCode to modify the style.css, however knowledge of Qt-Css is required. which is the main language that the Qt5 render communicates. Not all css commands work in this stylesheet. The icons I make with IrfanView. It's very simple to use and I struggle with the Gimp, Krita or Illustrator apps. Posted by: joezhan  on 2023-03-15 14:42:29
Thank you for your help! I will try your recommendations. Have a great day ahead! Cheers! Posted by: Mastartiq  on 2023-03-15 14:52:48