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All Content      UI themes      Dark      Titanium.tar.gz

by Joe Zhan (joezhan)
Size: 149 KB
License: Creative Commons (by)
Submitted: 2023-09-11 14:59:50
Updated: 2023-09-11 14:59:50
Popularity:  1133   0
Rating:    1
Name: Titanium.tar.gz  Download

My Titanium theme had 159 downloads in less than 20 hours after being posted. This is surprising and gratifying to me. But while I was writing a thank you comment, I ended up deleting the post by accident. Forgiveness. It happens to everyone at some point
To compensate, I'm posting it alongside Titanium, a more discreet version of it in the same package. You can choose which one you like best. Check out.
Good ideas and inspirations to everyone.



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