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All Content      Projects      Chiptune      the Fight.mmpz

by Deosarran O. Ramsingh (InfamousKid)
Size: 4 KB
License: Artistic License 2.0
LMMS Version: 0.4.13
Submitted: 2012-10-21 20:57:18
Updated: 2019-01-13 12:36:41
Popularity:  764   1
Rating:    2
Name: the Fight.mmpz  Download

this is a song i made long ago after i got use to using lmms it is also the first song i made that actually stayed on my computer and didnt sound like bat sh!t. ;) :) ;) :) ;) :)

It´s not bad being the first time! I suggest lowering the volume of that one synth... you probably know which one I am talking about :) ? Posted by: Sti2nd  on 2012-10-22 17:00:27